
Acadia University’s Co-op Program is nationally accredited and has been recognized as one of the best in the country! It integrates study terms with paid, discipline-related work terms allowing students the opportunity to enhance their skills, create contacts in industry, and gain a better understanding of their strengths and interests while exploring different work environments and potential careers. 

Employers from across Canada hire Co-op students to work on special projects and assist during peak periods while often evaluating them for future hire. Many Co-op students have full-time job offers upon graduation because of their Co-op experiences.

Acadia’s Co-op office is committed to supporting the needs of Co-op students by encouraging an accessible and inclusive environment and experience.

The deadline to apply to Co-op is October 1st

Click here to apply online!

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“Before entering the Co-op program, I was unsure as to what field I was interested in and whether there were opportunities for me in Nova Scotia. Since that time, Co-op has provided me with a year of experience allowing me to feel more confident and ready for a career after graduating.”


Rebecca Williams

Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours
(Co-op Option)

"Part of my amazing experience at Acadia was the experience gained through the Co-op program. The work terms were enriching and have given me an advantage looking for full-time work after graduating. What really makes Acadia’s Co-op program special is the support and attention that I received from the coordinators. They went above and beyond what most schools would offer."

Emma Blanche

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(Co-op Option)


"Participating in the Co-op program has enabled me to explore my professional interest by gaining hands-on experience working with professionals in my field. The experiences and skills that you gain from participating in Co-op give you the confidence, connections, and the know-how to succeed at whatever you choose to do after graduation."

Erika Bout
Bachelor of Community Development
(Co-op Option)

“Acadia’s Co-op program was the best part of my undergraduate experience. I was able to spend two work terms working in a nursing home and a third work term working with people with intellectual disabilities. I gained new skills, knowledge, and confidence in the workplace and secured my dream job all before graduation. I strongly recommend this program to any student looking to determine exactly what they want for a career.”

Bachelor of Arts
(Co-op Option)


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Ryan Pachal
Bachelor of Computer Science
(Co-op Option)

"The Acadia Co-op program has really been an eye opener for me. I helped launch a corporate entrepreneurial project in the automotive industry. I was able to learn and acquire new skills as well as network and build connections. Co-op is the best way to set yourself up for a career while still in school."


Adam Wong
Bachelor of Business Administration
(Co-op Option)


“The Co-op program has influenced my university career for the better, allowing for experience with not-for-profit organizations and labs at Acadia University. The support of the Co-op Coordinators has been consistently helpful and the program itself allowed me to discover what works for me. The experience gained while part of the Acadia Co-op program helped me increase confidence in my abilities and get the most out of my degree.”

Anna Murphy
Bachelor of Science
(Co-op Option)

"Through Co-op, I explored several areas of dietetics that most students do not experience until their dietetic internship. Having experience in community nutrition, sports nutrition, and research before applying to my internship will give me a huge advantage. During one of my work terms, I also learned about the business side of dietetics, which I didn’t have much exposure to in the classroom."

Madalyn Higgins
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
(Co-op Option)

"The knowledge I gained from hands-on experience working with three different organizations is priceless. The diversity of experiences will certainly help me establish a strong career once I enter the workforce. The continuous support of the Co-op team helped me achieve my goals and secure fantastic work terms."


Tim Conrad
Bachelor of Business Administration
(Co-op Option)


"I obtained practical skills and learned a lot about myself through the co-op program. Co-op has helped me understand where my true passion lies and what I see myself pursuing as an occupation. It has strengthened my desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives and my community."


Katelyn Bunker
Bachelor of Science with Honours
(Co-op Option)


“Prior to joining the Co-op program, I was unaware of my career options. Through this experience I was given the opportunity to explore my career options and learn valuable life skills. I was also able to obtain positive references and a year’s worth of work experience. The connections I have made have given me the opportunity to find long-term work. In my opinion, the Co-op program at Acadia University is one of the best programs on campus.”

Sarah Phillips-Smith
Bachelor of Arts (Co-op Option)


"Co-op has been an incredible asset to paving my way toward my career goals. Co-op gave me the opportunity to learn hands on, which in my opinion is one of the best ways to learn. The Co-op program also provides students with excellent advice and resources for the do's and don'ts in the professional world It is beneficial to have work experience and references especially when looking for a job after graduating."

John Storrie
Bachelor of Science (Co-op Option)

"Through Acadia's Co-op program, I have gained invaluable work experience in the financial industry. I have made many new professional connections and improved upon my skills. I feel less anxious about my future, knowing that I have work experience and skills that potential employers are looking for."


Gabriel Blumberg
Bachelor of Business Administration
(Co-op Option)


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Rene Bujold
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition
(Co-op Option)


Why Join Co-op?

Why Hire Acadia Co-op Students?

Benefits of Co-op

International Co-op Student Experience

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